Eggs and Spaghetti

The boys get a huge kick out of breakfast for dinner.  Our #1 son buys lunch at school once a week and they even have a breakfast for lunch option sometimes.  Tonight, it was scrambled eggs, chicken sausage, and toaster waffles for them.  Lisa and I were going to have the same thing (toast, no waffles), when I saw some leftover pasta from last night.

We had finished the sauce, but we still had about 4 cups of cooked spaghetti.  I took about a cup and a half of pasta and heated it with a tablespoon of olive oil in a non-stick skillet.  I scrambled two eggs with some salt, garlic powder, and some seasoning salt and tossed it with the hot pasta until the eggs were cooked.

I topped it with some fresh-grated parmesan cheese and a little fresh-ground pepper.  Super simple and delicious.  Lisa got the first batch, I got the second.  I apologize, it was gone before I thought to take a picture…  🙂

1 thought on “Eggs and Spaghetti”

  • Great simple, nourishing and tasty meal with just a bit of I-magination. Quick & easy is the best. Another winner. xxxooo Mom

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