Recipes on Bite, Sip, Repeat…

What kind of recipes are you going to find here? I feel that cooking, like life, has to have balance. Some days it’s about getting dinner on the table in “30 minutes”. Some days it’s about taking the time to cook the challenging recipe from your new cookbook. I’ll be blogging about both types on BSR.

As a father of two boys (3 and 6), we’re always looking for meals that will satisfy both adults and small children. Sticking with the balance theme, we sometimes eat together as a family and sometimes Lisa and I eat after the boys are in bed. That’s usually our time to cook new or more exotic dishes. The boys eat a decent variety of foods, but when we eat together, I don’t want to always eat hamburgers, hotdogs, quesadillas, and chicken nuggets. I also don’t want to cook two meals. So we look for ways to essentially eat the same meal, but keep it tame enough for our kids and interesting enough for the adults.

Last night we had spaghetti and meatballs. This time, we all ate the same thing with salad for the parents and green beans and applesauce for the boys.

Meatballs ready to be cooked

Last week we had mac and cheese, which the kids love, but the adults like to be a little more interesting. The boys compromised by letting me add diced ham to the dish and I added some peas to Mom and Dad’s half.

mac and cheese

This concept is nothing too revolutionary, but it makes family dinner time a little more culinarily satisfying. And don’t worry, I’m not going to write a book on this “amazing new technique”. Unless I get a hefty advance. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Recipes on Bite, Sip, Repeat…”

  • A great idea. And I recognized a number of books on your bookshelf I also own. For a good one, however,

    check out my latest (Nov/08). It’s already getting great reviews:

    Tried and True Recipes from a Caterer’s Kitchen—Secrets of Making Great Foods

    Now available on many internet booksellers’ websites.

  • @George, thanks for the kind words. I look forward to reading your blog. It sure sounds like you have a lot of culinary experience. I added your book to my wishlist, I’ll let you know when I get it. And I’ll certainly review it on BSR.

  • Is it just me, or does that mac and cheese look so yummy?!? Maybe I need some comfort food! Anyway, Scott, thanks for making a blog where I can get some easy and yet satisfying recipes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried random recipes from cookbooks and they turn out not-so-good (the kids end up with a bowl of cereal!). It’s nice to have somewhere to turn where you know the recipes are tried-and-true. I look forward to reading more…

  • @Cathy, thanks! I have to say that the mac and cheese was pretty yummy. I had some heavy cream left over from the menu for Lisa’s cousin’s shower that we hosted and it made its way into the mac. I didn’t use a recipe, just tinkering with it until it was right, so I didn’t make a separate post for it. The boys both like mac and cheese a lot, so we have it almost weekly. I’ll make sure I write down a recipe next time.

    When dinner doesn’t end up too good, we usually go with boxed mac and cheese or dino-nuggets from Costco. They’re pretty fast. Thanks, again for your interest and comments.

  • Scott
    This is great. Your mom told me about this and said that it was great. She wasn’t kidding. I love it. What a great idea! I will be checking this out often. Good luck with this blog and I look forward to some more great recipes.

  • Thank you so much, Fran. I appreciate you taking a look at it. Please feel free to share any recipes you like, we’d love to sample them…

  • I love your ideas for the kids meals. Our great grandsons love mac and cheese too but I find it dull alone, I never thought about fixing half for us.

    We have a problem with what to fix because of our son being diabetic now.

    Thanks Scott.

  • Hi, Sally, thanks for your comments. Since my dad developed type II diabetes, we’ve become more aware of the issues. My mom mentioned that you are missing pasta. I’ve never tasted them, but have you tried either protein-enriched or whole wheat spaghetti and pasta? I know they have a much lower glycemic index than traditional pasta. Let me know if you try any of them and what you think. Thanks!

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